
journey to Mt. kailash

mt. kailash

MT. KAILASH (6741 m) is perhaps the most scared of Holy Mountains in TIBET. Together with the two lakes of MANASAROVAR & RAKAS, the region is one of the few truly nature wonders of the world., Three of the orient's greatest rivers; the BRAHMAPUTRA, the SUTLEJ, and the INDUS, all take their sources within a hundred kilometers of this " SNOW CAPPED JEWEL" which attracted Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bon-po’s from the four corners of Asia for centuries.

16 Days

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MT. KAILASH - also known as TISE or KHANG RIMPOCHE (Jewel of the snow), has since the time immemorial been celebrated in many eastern cosmologies as MT MERU, the axis mundi (the center of the physical and metaphysical universe). For the Hindus, it represents the abode of Lord SHIVA and for the Buddhists, a terrestrial projection of the cosmic MANDALA of the FIVE DHYANI BUDDHAS & the Wheel of life.

People believe that a single Kora or Parikrama washes away the sins of a lifetime and Buddhists believe that 108 circuits secure Nirvana in this life. On the trek, one may encounter Bon Pilgrims circling the route counter clockwise or the very devoted continually prostrate them along the whole 32.5 miles loop. There is also the ‘inner Kora’ that passes two lakes to the south of Mt. Kailash.

Tradition dictates that only those who have made 13 circumambulation of Kailash may follow this inner route. The mouth of the four great rivers are within 100 Km of the mountain-the Indus, The Brahmaputra, The Sutlej and the Karnali, a major tributaries of The Ganges. The Mt. Kailash circuit is 32.5 miles of strenuous trails which crosses the Dolma La. This pass is the route highest point at 18525 ft. At a large boulder is a collection of offerings where pilgrims traditionally deposit one item and take another.

Although the journey entails long drives by Land cruisers over Tibet’s great western plateau through a region inhabited by few wild animals, holy lakes and the occasional nomad, this existing tour involving a four day trek with yaks in the remotest part around MT KAILASH and offers the most fascinating experience on the ROOF OF THE WORLD.

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